The study of edentulism prevalence and the treatment needs for prosthetic restorations in the adult population of Bucharest City

Project in partnership with UMF-CD, SRPDMF, INSP, and CMSB

The purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of edentulism, the complexity of prosthetic treatment, and the need for prosthetic restorative treatment in a representative sample of the adult population of Bucharest City.
Study objectives:
Objective I: Estimating the prevalence and degree of denture usage in a representative sample of the adult population of Bucharest
Objective II: Estimating the need for specialized education in Dental Prosthetics - determining the level of prosthetic complexity in edentulous conditions (based on the American College of Prosthodontics classification).
Objective III: Aligning health policies with the need for prosthetic restorative treatment